Learn you Galois Fields for Great Good (06)

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Implementing GF(p^k)

This is part 6 of a series on Abstract Algebra. In this part, we'll implement the GF(p^k) fields we discussed last time.

Source Code: src/gf_p_k.rs

An implementation of GF(p^k) where p is a prime number and k is any integer >= 1

We will implement addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using operator-overloading so we can use the normal operators: +, -, *, /

use std::ops::{Add, Mul, Sub, Div};

Similar to our implementation of GF(p) fields, we'll define the constant parameters here instead of using advanced Rust features.

In particular, we need:

We use some defaults below for a GF(3^2) Field.

Feel free change the parameters to get a different field. But, please do be careful to configure correctly. Most notably: P must be prime, and Q must be irreducible.

pub const P: usize = 3;  // Default: GF(3)
pub const K: usize = 2;  // Default: All polynomials below x^2
pub const Q: usize = 10; // Default: x^2 + 1

Our representation for a number in GF(p^k) will use the vector representation with unsigned 8-bit integers (u8). Each element in the vector is an element of GF(p)..

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct GF([u8; K]); // An array of K elements of type u8

The number of elements we have in GF(p^k) is clearly p^k, but we need a little care to avoid silent integer overflow.

impl GF {
  pub fn number_of_elements() -> usize {
    let p: u32 = P.try_into().unwrap(); // Abort if the number doesn't fit in 32-bits
    let k: u32 = K.try_into().unwrap(); // Abort if the number doesn't fit in 32-bits
    let p_k = p.checked_pow(k).unwrap(); // Abort if the number doesn't fit in 32-bits
    p_k as usize

Let's construct a new number in GF(p^k). Our function will accept a number in the "decimal representation" and will convert it into the internal vector representation.

It's easy to mix up ordering and "endianness", so we'll be explicit about how we're using vector representation:

index 0 => 1
index 1 => x
index 2 => x^2
index 3 => x^3
index 4 => x^4
... etc ...

Okay, let's put it all together

impl GF {
  pub fn new(mut val: u64) -> GF {
    // Sanity check!
    assert!((val as usize) < GF::number_of_elements());

    // Decompose the decimal representation into a vector
    let p = P as u64;
    let mut vec = [0; K];
    for i in 0..K {
      vec[i] = (val % p) as u8;
      val /= p;


And we'll want to convert back to decimal representation also. This is effectively a dot-product with a Radix-P Basis: [1, P, P^2, P^3, ...]

impl GF {
  pub fn value(&self) -> u64 {
    // Convert vector representation back into decimal representation
    let p = P as u64;
    let mut val = 0;
    for i in (0..K).rev() {
      val = val * p + self.0[i] as u64;

Coefficient Field Implementation

We will quickly re-implement parts of GF(p) here for the coefficients.

We will need these internally to build the full Field. We could inline them, but doing so is distracting when reading the polynomial arithmetic algorithms.

Please refer to the GF(p) implementation if these aren't clear:

fn coeff_add(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
  (((a as u16) + (b as u16)) % (P as u16)) as u8
fn coeff_neg(a: u8) -> u8 {
  ((P as u8) - a) % (P as u8)
fn coeff_mul(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
  (((a as u16) * (b as u16)) % (P as u16)) as u8

Addition and Subtraction

Addition is very simple. It's just a simple pointwise-addition of coefficients (vector addition).

impl Add<GF> for GF {
  type Output = GF;
  fn add(self, rhs: GF) -> GF {
    let mut vec = [0; K];
    for i in 0..K {
      vec[i] = coeff_add(self.0[i], rhs.0[i]);

Negation (or additive-inverse) is fairly straight-forward also. Just vectorized.

impl GF {
  pub fn negate(self) -> GF {
    let mut vec = [0; K];
    for i in 0..K {
      vec[i] = coeff_neg(self.0[i]);

And subtraction: trivial.

Getting bored? Be careful what you wish for...

impl Sub<GF> for GF {
  type Output = GF;
  fn sub(self, rhs: GF) -> GF {
    self + rhs.negate()

Multiplication and Division

Multiplication is a completely different beast than addition. You were warned ;-).

Recall that multiplication is a convolution of the coefficients. We can compute a convolution by effectively flipping around one of the vectors and computing sliding dot-products.

Let's do some examples:

  A = [a, b, c, d]
  B = [e, f, g, h]

We want to compute:
  C = convolve(A, B)
    = [c_0, c_1, c_2, c_3, c_4, c_5, c_6]

We can compute each of these coefficients (`c_i`) as follows:

  [d, c, b, a]
           [e, f, g, h]

  = a*h

  [d, c, b, a]
         *  *
        [e, f, g, h]

  = b*e + a*f

  [d, c, b, a]
      *  *  *
     [e, f, g, h]

  = c*e + b*f + a*g

  ... SNIP ...

        [d, c, b, a]
         *  *
  [e, f, g, h]

  = d*g + c*h

           [d, c, b, a]
  [e, f, g, h]

  = d*h

As you can see, computing a convolution on two arrays is a fairly simple shift-and-multiply operation. It can be a LOT of multiply operations, in fact O(n^2), but it's otherwise fairly formulaic.

A few things to note:

  1. Instead of actually reversing a vector, we'll just use backwards array indexing
  2. Observe that a convolution of two k-element vectors produces a (2k-1)-element result!

Here's some pseudocode for the algorithm:

for i in 0..(2k-1) {
  c[i] = 0
  for j in 0..k {
    c[i] += a[i - j] * b[j]     (where out-of-bounds indices implicitly load 0)

And here's the real implementation that deals with all the real-world practical messiness. Compare it to the pseudocode if it's confusing. The same algorithmic structure is present.

fn poly_mul(a: &[u8; K], b: &[u8; K]) -> [u8; 2*K-1] {
  // A convolution implementation over the field GF(p)
  let mut c = [0; 2*K-1];
  for i in 0..(2*K-1) {
    // Each coefficient is the sum of many sub-terms
    for j in 0..K {
      // Ignore terms with out-of-bounds indices (they are implicitly zero)
      if i < j || i - j >= K {
      // Add this term to the result (NOTE: poly_a is reversed!)
      c[i] = coeff_add(c[i], coeff_mul(a[i - j], b[j]));

Great fun, huh!

Now we need to implement polynomial modulus.

This one is also tricky because long-division is tedious. Fortunately, it reduces to an algorithm just as cleanly as convolution.

A key observation is that we don't care about the result of the division. We can discard that. We only care about what remains after removing some number of Qs from A.


A = 2x^5 + x^4 + 1
Q = x^3 + 1

And suppose we want to compute:

A % Q

We can do this by starting at the largest term (2x^5) and eliminating it. After, we'll have just a 4th order polynomial. Then, we can repeat until we have a remainder.

For this, we'll "shift" and "scale" up Q and subtract it from A:

A' = A - 2x^2 * Q
   = (2x^5 + x^4 + 1) - 2x^2 * (x^3 + 1)        [expand]
   = (2x^5 + x^4 + 1) + (-2x^2 * (x^3 + 1))     [re-arrange]
   = (2x^5 + x^4 + 1) + (x^2 * (x^3 + 1))       [negate in GF(3)]
   = (2x^5 + x^4 + 1) + (x^5 + x^2)             [multiply: "shift" and "scale"]
   = (2x^5 + x^4 + 1) + (x^5 + x^2)             [add in GF(3)]
   = x^4 + x^2 + 1                              [result: polynomial of order 4!]

Next, we can eliminate the x^4 term by computing:

A'' = A' - x * Q
    = (x^4 + x^2 + 1) - x * (x^3 + 1)           [expand]

Exercise: Compute this to confirm your understanding.

In order to do this, we need to multiply Q. But this might seem like some kind of chicken-and-egg problem?

Well actually, we're doing two simpler operations:

So we don't need normal polynomial multiplication to do this.

Okay, let's code!

fn poly_mod(mut a: [u8; 2*K-1], q: &[u8; K+1]) -> [u8; K] {
  // We'll iterate from high-terms to low-terms, eliminating each:
  //   2k-2, 2k-3, ..., k+1, k
  // This will leave exactly k coefficients
  for i in (K..(2*K-1)).rev() {

    // Determine "our shift" and "scale" for `Q`
    let shift = i - K; // coefficient shift
    let scale = coeff_neg(a[i]); // coefficient scale

    // Apply to each coefficient, shifted
    for j in shift..=i { // inclusive: [shift, i]
      // Shift and Scale up one coefficient of Q
      let val = coeff_mul(scale, q[j-shift]);
      // Now "subtract" it (using addition)
      a[j] = coeff_add(a[j], val);
    // The largest term (ith) should be zero now!
    assert_eq!(a[i], 0);
  // Only the lowest k-terms are possibly non-zero, now

Lastly, we need a little routine to convert our irreducible polynomial into the vector notation used by poly_mod()

fn poly_q() -> [u8; K+1] {
  // Decompose the decimal representation into a vector
  let p = P as u64;
  let mut val = Q as u64;
  let mut vec = [0; K+1];
  for i in 0..K+1 {
    vec[i] = (val % p) as u8;
    val /= p;

With these polynomial operations, our final multiply is simple to complete. It's just the definition that we gave in the previous theory section: poly_mod(poly_mul(A, B), Q)

impl Mul<GF> for GF {
  type Output = GF;
  fn mul(self, rhs: GF) -> GF {
    let vec = poly_mod(poly_mul(&self.0, &rhs.0), &poly_q());

And now I suspect the dear reader is a tad exhausted from our journey through the Polynomial Math Wilderness.

Well it's your lucky day! We can adapt the rest from GF(p) fields by reusing our simple naive brute-force approach to inverses.

impl GF {
  pub fn invert(self) -> Result<GF, String> {
    // Important: Zero has no inverse, it's invalid
    if self == GF::new(0) {
      return Err("Zero has no inverse".to_string());
    // Scan the numbers {1, 2, ..., P-1} until we find the inverse
    for x in 1..GF::number_of_elements() {
      let candidate = GF::new(x as u64);
      if self * candidate == GF::new(1) {
        return Ok(candidate); // Found!
    unreachable!("Every non-zero number has an inverse");

And division can be exactly the same also.

impl Div<GF> for GF {
  type Output = Result<GF, String>;
  fn div(self, rhs: Self) -> Result<GF, String> {
    // Important: Cannot divide by zero
    if rhs == GF::new(0) {
      return Err("Cannot divide by zero".to_string());
    Ok(self * rhs.invert().unwrap())

Some final things

Just as before, we need to teach Rust a few extra tricks. These are all quite similar to GF(p) if you'd rather skim them.

Printing out numbers:

impl std::fmt::Display for GF {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
    write!(f, "{}", self.value())

And converting strings into our Field's numbers:

impl std::str::FromStr for GF {
  type Err = String;
  fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<GF, String> {
    let num: u64 = s.parse().map_err(|_| format!("Not an 64-bit integer"))?;
    // Return an error if the number is too big for the field
    let limit = GF::number_of_elements() as u64;
    if num >= limit {
      return Err(format!("Number too large, got {}, but limit is {}", num, limit));

And telling Rust that we built a Field type:

impl crate::field::Field for GF {
  fn number_of_elements() -> usize {

Testing Time

Note that these tests assume GF(3^2). If you change the field, they are not expected to pass.

mod tests {
  use super::*;

  // TEST: Verify that decimal representations are converted to vector representation correctly
  fn test_convert() {
    assert_eq!(GF::new(0), GF([0, 0]));
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1), GF([1, 0]));
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2), GF([2, 0]));
    assert_eq!(GF::new(3), GF([0, 1]));
    assert_eq!(GF::new(4), GF([1, 1]));
    assert_eq!(GF::new(5), GF([2, 1]));
    assert_eq!(GF::new(6), GF([0, 2]));
    assert_eq!(GF::new(7), GF([1, 2]));
    assert_eq!(GF::new(8), GF([2, 2]));

  // TEST: Verify conversion to vector representations and back to decimal representation is an identity
  fn test_convert_identity() {
    assert_eq!(GF::new(0).value(), 0);
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1).value(), 1);
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2).value(), 2);
    assert_eq!(GF::new(3).value(), 3);
    assert_eq!(GF::new(4).value(), 4);
    assert_eq!(GF::new(5).value(), 5);
    assert_eq!(GF::new(6).value(), 6);
    assert_eq!(GF::new(7).value(), 7);
    assert_eq!(GF::new(8).value(), 8);

  // TEST: We shouldn't be able to construct numbers out of the range
  fn test_invalid_numbers() {

  // TEST: Addition
  fn test_add() {
    // GF(3^2) | 0 + 1 = 1
    assert_eq!(GF::new(0) + GF::new(1), GF::new(1));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 + 1 = 2
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) + GF::new(1), GF::new(2));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 + 2 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) + GF::new(2), GF::new(0));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 + 2 = 1
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) + GF::new(2), GF::new(1));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 + 3 = 4
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) + GF::new(3), GF::new(4));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 + 3 = 5
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) + GF::new(3), GF::new(5));
    // GF(3^2) | 3 + 3 = 6
    assert_eq!(GF::new(3) + GF::new(3), GF::new(6));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 + 4 = 3
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) + GF::new(4), GF::new(3));
    // GF(3^2) | 4 + 4 = 8
    assert_eq!(GF::new(4) + GF::new(4), GF::new(8));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 + 7 = 6
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) + GF::new(7), GF::new(6));
    // GF(3^2) | 6 + 7 = 4
    assert_eq!(GF::new(6) + GF::new(7), GF::new(4));
    // GF(3^2) | 8 + 8 = 4
    assert_eq!(GF::new(8) + GF::new(8), GF::new(4));

  // TEST: Subtraction
  fn test_sub() {
    // GF(3^2) | 1 - 0 = 1
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) - GF::new(0), GF::new(1));
    // GF(3^2) | 0 - 1 = 2
    assert_eq!(GF::new(0) - GF::new(1), GF::new(2));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 - 1 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) - GF::new(1), GF::new(0));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 - 2 = 2
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) - GF::new(2), GF::new(2));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 - 2 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) - GF::new(2), GF::new(0));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 - 3 = 7
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) - GF::new(3), GF::new(7));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 - 3 = 8
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) - GF::new(3), GF::new(8));
    // GF(3^2) | 3 - 3 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(3) - GF::new(3), GF::new(0));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 - 4 = 7
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) - GF::new(4), GF::new(7));
    // GF(3^2) | 4 - 4 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(4) - GF::new(4), GF::new(0));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 - 7 = 4
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) - GF::new(7), GF::new(4));
    // GF(3^2) | 6 - 7 = 2
    assert_eq!(GF::new(6) - GF::new(7), GF::new(2));
    // GF(3^2) | 8 - 8 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(8) - GF::new(8), GF::new(0));

  // TEST: Multiplication
  fn test_mul() {
    // GF(3^2) | 0 * 1 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(0) * GF::new(1), GF::new(0));
    // GF(3^2) | 0 * 2 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(0) * GF::new(2), GF::new(0));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 * 1 = 1
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) * GF::new(1), GF::new(1));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 * 2 = 2
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) * GF::new(2), GF::new(2));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 * 2 = 1
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) * GF::new(2), GF::new(1));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 * 3 = 6
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) * GF::new(3), GF::new(6));
    // GF(3^2) | 3 * 3 = 2
    assert_eq!(GF::new(3) * GF::new(3), GF::new(2));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 * 4 = 8
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) * GF::new(4), GF::new(8));
    // GF(3^2) | 3 * 4 = 5
    assert_eq!(GF::new(3) * GF::new(4), GF::new(5));
    // GF(3^2) | 4 * 4 = 6
    assert_eq!(GF::new(4) * GF::new(4), GF::new(6));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 * 7 = 5
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) * GF::new(7), GF::new(5));
    // GF(3^2) | 6 * 7 = 8
    assert_eq!(GF::new(6) * GF::new(7), GF::new(8));
    // GF(3^2) | 8 * 8 = 6
    assert_eq!(GF::new(8) * GF::new(8), GF::new(6));

  // TEST: Division
  fn test_div() {
    // GF(3^2) | 0 / 1 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(0) / GF::new(1), Ok(GF::new(0)));
    // GF(3^2) | 0 / 2 = 0
    assert_eq!(GF::new(0) / GF::new(2), Ok(GF::new(0)));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 / 0 = ERROR
    assert!(matches!(GF::new(1) / GF::new(0), Err(_)));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 / 0 = ERROR
    assert!(matches!(GF::new(2) / GF::new(0), Err(_)));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 / 1 = 1
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) / GF::new(1), Ok(GF::new(1)));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 / 2 = 2
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) / GF::new(2), Ok(GF::new(2)));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 / 2 = 1
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) / GF::new(2), Ok(GF::new(1)));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 / 3 = 3
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) / GF::new(3), Ok(GF::new(3)));
    // GF(3^2) | 3 / 3 = 1
    assert_eq!(GF::new(3) / GF::new(3), Ok(GF::new(1)));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 / 4 = 5
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) / GF::new(4), Ok(GF::new(5)));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 / 4 = 7
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) / GF::new(4), Ok(GF::new(7)));
    // GF(3^2) | 3 / 4 = 8
    assert_eq!(GF::new(3) / GF::new(4), Ok(GF::new(8)));
    // GF(3^2) | 4 / 4 = 1
    assert_eq!(GF::new(4) / GF::new(4), Ok(GF::new(1)));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 / 7 = 5
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) / GF::new(7), Ok(GF::new(8)));
    // GF(3^2) | 2 / 7 = 4
    assert_eq!(GF::new(2) / GF::new(7), Ok(GF::new(4)));
    // GF(3^2) | 6 / 7 = 5
    assert_eq!(GF::new(6) / GF::new(7), Ok(GF::new(5)));
    // GF(3^2) | 1 / 8 = 7
    assert_eq!(GF::new(1) / GF::new(8), Ok(GF::new(7)));

Building and Testing

The above code can be built and tested the normal rust ways:

cargo test
cargo build

A GF(p^k) Calculator

Our calculator from the GF(p) implementation works for this new field also:

$ ./target/debug/gf_p_k_calc
A Calculator for GF(3^2)

Addition Table:

   +  |   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  
   0  |   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  
   1  |   1    2    0    4    5    3    7    8    6  
   2  |   2    0    1    5    3    4    8    6    7  
   3  |   3    4    5    6    7    8    0    1    2  
   4  |   4    5    3    7    8    6    1    2    0  
   5  |   5    3    4    8    6    7    2    0    1  
   6  |   6    7    8    0    1    2    3    4    5  
   7  |   7    8    6    1    2    0    4    5    3  
   8  |   8    6    7    2    0    1    5    3    4  

Subtraction Table:

   -  |   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  
   0  |   0    2    1    6    8    7    3    5    4  
   1  |   1    0    2    7    6    8    4    3    5  
   2  |   2    1    0    8    7    6    5    4    3  
   3  |   3    5    4    0    2    1    6    8    7  
   4  |   4    3    5    1    0    2    7    6    8  
   5  |   5    4    3    2    1    0    8    7    6  
   6  |   6    8    7    3    5    4    0    2    1  
   7  |   7    6    8    4    3    5    1    0    2  
   8  |   8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0  

Multiplication Table:

   *  |   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  
   0  |   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  
   1  |   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  
   2  |   0    2    1    6    8    7    3    5    4  
   3  |   0    3    6    2    5    8    1    4    7  
   4  |   0    4    8    5    6    1    7    2    3  
   5  |   0    5    7    8    1    3    4    6    2  
   6  |   0    6    3    1    7    4    2    8    5  
   7  |   0    7    5    4    2    6    8    3    1  
   8  |   0    8    4    7    3    2    5    1    6  

Division Table:

   /  |   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  
   0  |   -    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  
   1  |   -    1    2    6    5    4    3    8    7  
   2  |   -    2    1    3    7    8    6    4    5  
   3  |   -    3    6    1    8    5    2    7    4  
   4  |   -    4    8    7    1    6    5    3    2  
   5  |   -    5    7    4    3    1    8    2    6  
   6  |   -    6    3    2    4    7    1    5    8  
   7  |   -    7    5    8    6    2    4    1    3  
   8  |   -    8    4    5    2    3    7    6    1  

Enter any expression for evaluation (e.g. (1 + 2) * 4)

> 2 + 4
> 2 * 4
> 2*(1 + 3)
> 2*1 + 2*3

Exercise: Play around with the calculator.

Exercise: Try different parameters (e.g. P = 2, K = 3, Q = 11 (x^3 + x^1 + 1)). You can try other parameters too but be careful to ensure they are valid.

Exercise: Do your own implementation of GF(p^k) fields in your preferred programming language.

A Tool

Finally, we'll implement a useful little tool.

Source Code: src/bin/poly_repr.rs

Here is a simple tool to show the various representations of some number in GF(p)[x]. It accepts a coefficient field prime p and number in decimal-representation n and displays it in all the represeantations we've discussed.

The most consistent and useful representation for doing calculations is the vector format.

The polynomial representation is more verbose and inconsistent. Thus, we will generally avoid using it directly. But, it can be helpful to drop into polynomial arithmetic to understand something. In such cases, this tool can be helpful.

fn main() {
  let args: Vec<_> = std::env::args().collect();
  if args.len() != 3 {
    eprintln!("usage: {} <prime> <number>", args[0]);

  let p: u64 = args[1].parse().unwrap();
  let mut num: u64 = args[2].parse().unwrap();

  println!("Using GF({})[x]:", p);
  println!("  Number:     {}", num);

  // Decompose the number into a vector of coefficients
  let mut coeffs = vec![];
  if num == 0 { // Handle special case
  while num > 0 {
    coeffs.push(num % p);
    num /= p;

  // Loop and print each coeff of the vector (in reverse order)
  let mut first_term = true;
  print!("  Vector:     [");
  for i in (0..coeffs.len()).rev() {
    // Special case: insert ',' punctuation only between present terms
    if !first_term {
      print!(", ");
    first_term = false;
    // General case: print number
    print!("{}", coeffs[i]);

  // Loop and print each term of the polynomial (in reverse order)
  let mut first_term = true;
  print!("  Polynomial: ");
  for i in (0..coeffs.len()).rev() {
    let c = coeffs[i];

    // Special case: ignore terms that aren't present
    if c == 0 {

    // Special case: insert '+' punctuation only between present terms
    if !first_term {
      print!(" + ");
    first_term = false;

    // Special case: handle 1's coeff
    if i == 0 {
      print!("{}", c);

    // General: handle x, x^2, x^3, etc

    // Special case: don't print the '1' coeff, it is implied
    if c != 1 {
      print!("{}", c);


    // Special case: don't print 'x^1', it is implied by 'x'
    if i != 1 {
      print!("^{}", i);


Here are a few usage examples:

$ ./target/debug/poly_repr 2 42
Using GF(2)[x]:
  Number:     42
  Vector:     [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
  Polynomial: x^5 + x^3 + x

$ ./target/debug/poly_repr 3 42
Using GF(3)[x]:
  Number:     42
  Vector:     [1, 1, 2, 0]
  Polynomial: x^3 + x^2 + 2x

$ ./target/debug/poly_repr 5 42
Using GF(5)[x]:
  Number:     42
  Vector:     [1, 3, 2]
  Polynomial: x^2 + 3x + 2


Don't you love it when a plan comes together?

After this section, we're within striking distance of serious applications. In fact, you could tweak the parameters to P = 2, K = 8, and Q = 283 and you'd have the Galois Field GF(256) that is used for AES and many other applications. But, our general-purpose GF(p^k) is overly general.

In the next section, we'll discuss what I'll call Computer Science Fields GF(2^k)

It turns out that a lot of new insights and very handy optimizations come from constraining P = 2

Be a 1 and not a 0 (soon)